
ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes by State and City

Use the State then City drop down boxes to see a list of available ZIP Codes, then select desired ZIPs or click "Select all."

State and City

ZIP Codes  Select all

Enter ZIP Codes or ranges manually

Copy and paste or enter ZIP Codes below. Separate ZIPs with commas and use a hyphen to indicate ranges (e.g. 98052, 98053, 98101-98102). You can enter the first 3 digits of a ZIP Code to select by SCF.

ToggleAdvanced options

Upload ZIP Codes

Click "Get File" to select file for upload. Use drop down box to specify file type then indicate column number in file for ZIP Code.


File type

Segment column #

Zip Code column #

Enter ZIP Code Exclusions

Copy and paste or enter ZIP Codes below. Separate ZIPs with commas and use a hyphen to indicate ranges (e.g. 98052, 98053, 98101-98102).

Carrier Routes

Carrier Routes by ZIP Code

Enter a five-digit ZIP Code to see a list of available Carrier Routes, then select desired Carrier Routes or click "Select all."

ZIP Code

Carrier Routes  Select all

Enter Carrier Routes manually

Copy and paste or enter Carrier Route codes (including ZIP) below. Separate codes with commas (e.g. 98001C001, 98001C002).

ToggleAdvanced options

Upload Carrier Routes

Click "Get File" to select a file for upload. Use the drop down box to specify a file type then indicate what column number is for ZIP and what column number is for Carrier Route.


File type

Segment Column #

ZIP Code Column #

Carrier Route Column #

Enter Carrier Route Exclusions

Copy and paste or enter Carrier Route codes (including ZIP) below. Separate codes with commas (e.g. 98001C001, 98001C002)


Cities by State

Use the State drop down to select a State and view available Cities. Click to select desired Cities.




Counties by State

Use the State drop down to select a State and view available Counties. Click to select desired Counties.


Counties  Select all


Select States

Select one or more States from the list below.

States  Select all

Enter states manually

Copy and paste or enter State abbreviations below. Separate multiple States by comma (e.g. WA, OR, ID).


Select MSA

Select one or more MSAs from the list below.



Radius by ZIP Code or Address

Enter a ZIP below and select a Carrier Route if desired. Then, select desired distance.

Street address



ZIP Code

Carrier Route





Maximum Distance (in miles)


Edit Radius or Run New Radius

ToggleAdvanced options

Upload Radii

Click "Get File" to select a file for upload. Use the drop down box to specify a file type. Then, indicate the column number for the address variables. The minimum data requirements for a radius to run is ZIP Code.


Upload all to current segment

File type

Segment column #

If blank, default label will be used (e.g. SEG1, SEG2, SEG3).

Address column #

City column #

State column #

ZIP Code column #

Carrier Route column #

Latitude column #

Longitude column #

Distance/Quantity column #

If blank, a default distance of 5 miles will be used.

Max Distance column #

If blank, no maximum distance will be used.

Radius Type column #

D for distance, Q for quantity, or T for drive time.

Distance or Quantity from Origin

If not specified or valid in upload.

Max Distance from Origin

If no max distance is specified or valid in the upload, this value will be used.

Congressional District

* Selecting by Congressional District may incur additional charges.

Congressional Districts by State

Use the State drop down box to see a list of available Congressional Districts, then select desired Congressional Districts or click "Select all."


Congressional Districts  Select all


Map selection tool

Click "Launch map" to use the Consumer List Map Viewer tool. Java version 6.0 or higher is required.

Consumer Lists Map Viewer

Included Selects

Included Selects: The demographic selects in this section are included in your base rate.

ToggleMarital Status


TogglePremium Income
From: To:
ToggleAdult Age
From: To:
ToggleHome Ownership

ToggleHousing Type

ToggleVerified Homeowner
ToggleLength of Residence
From: To:
ToggleYear Home Built
From: To:
TogglePremium Home Value
From: To:
ToggleGender of Children Sensitive data

TogglePresence of Children Sensitive data

ToggleAge of Children Sensitive data
From: To:

New Movers

New Movers - Update Date

Required to use any New Movers selects

From: To:

New Movers - Geography

Select one

New Movers - Change in Housing

Select one


Operates Business Out of Home


Year of Birth

From: To:

Date of Birth

From: To:

Occupation Select all

Education Level Select all

Ethnicity Select all

Unavailable in Colorado, Connecticut, or Virginia

Month of Birth Select all

Net Worth Select all

Home & Mortgage

Veteran in House

Lot Size

Lot size in sq ft.

From: To:

Mortgage Price

From: To:

Home Price

From: To:

Home Purchase Date

From: To:

Home Heating Select all

Home Purchase Month Select all

Air Conditioning Select all

Housing Type Detail Select all

Type of Purchase Select all

Mortgage Type Select all


Investments - AND | OR Select all

Modeled Credit Rating Select all


First Seen Date

From: To:

Vehicle Make and Model Select all makes | models

Select vehicle makes and optionally models below

Number of Vehicles

From: To:

Auto Year

From: To:

Vehicle Purchase Date

From: To:

Auto Transaction Date

From: To:

Property - AND | OR Select all

Vehicle Class Select all

Vehicle Style Select all

Credit Card & Buying Behavior

Buying Activity - AND | OR Select all

Credit Card - AND | OR Select all

Lifestyles & Interests

Lifestyle - AND | OR Select all

Interests - AND | OR Select all

Religion Select all

Unavailable in Colorado, Connecticut, or Virginia

Political Affiliation Select all


Number of Children Sensitive data

From: To:

Additional Selects

Presence of Elderly Parent

High Tech Leader

Grandchildren < 12 Years

Number of Adults

From: To:

Number in Household

From: To:

Family Position Select all

List options

Number of Contacts

Exclude addresses

List Usage

Duplicates between Segments

Load Phone and Email counts
These counts will no longer load automatically.

Telephone numbers
Phone numbers are self-reported and are best
used for offline to online linkage.

This selection affects only the current segment.

Prefer records with phones
This selection affects only the current segment.

Exclude Do-Not-Call phones
This selection affects only the current segment.

Email addresses
This selection affects only the current segment.

Postage Qualification
This selection applies to your entire order.

The following selections are unavailable when using quantity-based radius or nth by selection criteria


Count Cutoff

Job Cutoff

Segment Cutoff

Segment Cutoff

Nth by Selection Criteria

Primary selection

Secondary selection

Nth by Selection Criteria

Contact Us

Regular Mail

Redmond Office
Compact Information Systems
7120 185th Ave NE Suite 150
Redmond, WA 98052

Dallas Office
Compact Information Systems
408 West 8th St., Suite 201
Dallas, TX 75208


Redmond Office – List Services

Dallas Office – List Services


Admin/Lasering: 425-558-2638
List Services: 425-558-2638
Dallas – List Services: 817-275-9048

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